The London Centre RCCO has a small lending library which is kept at Elmwood Avenue Presbyterian Church, and managed by Lorraine Clark.
The anthems can be borrowed by contacting Lorraine at donc2 [at] sympatico [dot] ca or 519 641 0566.
Ane Song of the Birth of Christ—W.H. Anderson
The Babe in Bethlehem—W. Hatch
Balulalow—M. Sirett
Christmas Night—J. Rutter
Every Star Shall Sing a Carol—A. Clark
Gabriel’s Message—Eleanor Daley
Gentle Mary Laid Her Child—Allan Bevan
The Holy Child—W.H. Anderson
Huron Carol—Robert Anderson
In the Bleak Mid-Winter—H. Darke
Joy Fills Our Inmost Heart Today—W.H. Anderson
O Little Town of Bethlehem—Bert Van der Hoek
O Lord, Support Us All the Day Long—Bert Van der Hoek
Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes—M. Sirett
Watt’s Cradle Song—Bert Van der Hoek